Always plan your trip to Belize at least 1 month in advance as most Hotel and operators have cancellation policies that are flexible should you chose to cancel 30 days or more before travel time.
Best time to travel to Belize is December through to May as this is the dry season.
In order to get an ultimate Belize experience it is recommend that you spend at least 3 open days in the country.
Belize Culture Travel recommends that you purchase travel insurance to cover your cost in the event our cancellation policy doesn’t fit your planning.
Book your trip to Belize with a travel specialist as they will ensure you receive the best of the hotel accommodation, tours and things to do in Belize. After all, they have a few tricks up their sleeve and exclusive access to make memorable moments for you.
Choose a reliable travel agency that works with certified guides, this will allow for your trips to be seamless and planned with safety in mind.
Best time to book flights to Belize are on Tuesdays.
Items to bring
Sturdy Hiking boots
Comfortable and good sole tennis or shoes
Slip resistant water shoes
Water resistant bags for storing gadgets when on tours
Comfortable thin clothing made for tropical climate
Long hiking pants and long sleeve to protect yourself from insect bites when going on jungle tours